A recent study has highlighted that 42% of individuals are lacking in essential vitamins like D and C, with Vitamin D Deficiency being a significant concern. 

This can lead to a variety of health-related problems, including the weakening of bones, an increased risk for diabetes, eye diseases, and more.

You are aware that sunlight is good for bones. Building bones from the sun can be used to lose weight.

One way to provide vitamins and minerals to the body is through diet, but another way is by giving it a source of vitamin D like spending time in the sun.

This helps reduce inflammation as well as build strong healthy cells.

There aren't many foods that naturally consist of the stuff. The sun's ultraviolet rays are responsible for the bulk of sunshine-derived vitamins like vitamin D.

It is possible to get a healthy dose of vitamin D from foods and sunlight even when you are wearing sunscreen.

Luckily, there are still a few options for getting your daily vitamin D. For instance, certain meats and dairy products consist of more of this valuable nutrient than others.

If you neglect to get enough vitamin D in your diet, there is a higher risk of developing numerous health complications such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health problems.

This is because insufficient levels of this essential vitamin can lead to ailments that most people commonly deal with.

Did you know that vitamin D deficiency is one of the most prevalent nutritional deficiencies in Canada?

Here are the top five signs of vitamin D deficiency and how to make sure you're getting enough.

Signs of vitamin D defi

You are sweating a lot

It is very important to assess your environment when it comes to living an overall healthy lifestyle. 

For example, if you determine that the temperature in your area is not too hot and you have been experiencing vitamin deficiency symptoms, you could speak with an expert about their recommendation for having a blood test done to check your levels of vitamin D and A.

You feel weak

If the Vitamin D levels of an individual are low, they can be associated with feelings of fatigue in a way that is different from those who are not deficient. 

A 1994 study found that when individuals with deficient levels of vitamin D were given supplements to bring them up to normal levels, they experienced a marked reduction in feelings of fatigue.

Healthy athletes who have the right levels of Vitamins D and K in their bloodstream are able to produce more force when exercising, which is why it's important for all athletes to maintain a healthy diet, with an appropriate amount of calories and nutrients.

With adequate levels of Vitamin D and K, athletes are able to produce higher levels of muscle force during exercise than those without these vitamins.

Recent research has shown that a decrease in falls can be achieved with the use of Vitamin D3 and D.

A new study has shown that 20% fewer falls among adults around 60-years-old are noted, which is attributed to their consumption of the vitamins.

The study concludes with a recommendation for people who are at high risk of falls to take the supplements.

You are feeling sad/depressed

There is an evident correlation between vitamin deficiencies and the onset of depression and seasonal affective disorder.

One review of studies has shown that this has been found to be a common factor in these varying cases.

Some cases are more prone to this type of depression, such as those with dietary restrictions, those with poor diet quality, or those simply not meeting their recommended daily allowance for these micronutrients through diet alone.

In contrast, depression secondary

The authors of the study argue that vitamins D and B2 are necessary for optimal brain health in certain regions, as well as some areas of the peripheral nervous system.

They say that antidepressants can have a similar effect on the hormones to these vitamin deficiencies which can lead to a wide range of neurological disorders.

You're battling soreness and hurts out of nowhere

Despite being a fairly unknown condition, osteomalacia is a serious condition that effects some people.

It is most commonly characterized by pain in the bones, which can be difficult to detect unless you know what to look for.

Inflammation and a lack of vitamin D can cause the muscles to ache, which is why it's important that those with rheumatism are given enough vitamin D.

If symptoms persist for an extended period of time, it's important to speak to a doctor and ask if you need more or if your current treatment plan should include vitamin D.

Bones break more easily

As a person ages, the body begins to stop producing bone mass and becomes more susceptible to conditions like osteoporosis.

An absence of vitamin D can expedite or worsen these conditions, in which the bones develop into delicate and more susceptible to breakage.

This can be very dangerous if they are in a situation where they need their bones the most, such as falling from an elevated position or getting into an altercation with another person.

Previous generations were fortunate enough to not have to worry about vitamin D deficiencies and typically had access to plentiful quantities of fortified foods.

Vitamins that were added to milk, cereal, and other common grocery items all helped raise the levels of essential nutrients in the population.

Unfortunately, it is now absurd for anyone to meet their vitamin D requirements via diet alone as fortified foods are now uncommon in developed nations.

How to absorb an adequate amount of vitamin D

The best way to get all of the necessary vitamins and minerals that you need is through the sun.

This may not be possible for those who live in countries with a lot of cloud coverage or on islands, but it is possible to get vitamin D from the sun.

If you want to top your chances of preventing skin cancer, make sure that you wear an SPF of 30 or higher.

In order to help get back on your feet, it's important to have a nutritious and balanced diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals.

A variety of foods like vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat, and whole grains can provide the nutrients that are necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

If you want to learn more about how to consume enough vitamin D and answer some Vitamin D related questions as What is Vitamin D? read the article linked prevously.

If you are still experiencing any of the problems listed above, it may be a good idea to go see your doctor and have him or her take an analysis on your D levels.

While there is no sure-fire way of knowing if you are deficient in this regard, the doctor may prescribe you an additive if essential.

Getting enough vitamin D is essential to being healthy overall. But we don't always have time to just stand outside in the sun everyday.

If you want to learn about The best vitamin D supplements, read this article.