Of the women who are in the age group of 40 to 59 years, four out of 100 are deficient in Vitamin B12. 

This percentage is similar to that of many other women who have been tested and is a strong indicator of the pervasive nature of this deficiency.

However, it is not that obvious what can cause this problem, as factors like a vegan diet or lactose intolerance can contribute to the lack of proper intake.

B12 is most commonly found in animal products such as meat, eggs, shellfish and dairy.

However, those that follow a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle should be aware of the time-sensitive nature of B12 deficiency. 

This is due to the fact that plant-based diets are typically packed with vitamins and nutrients such as iron, potassium, vitamin A and zinc; but they lack certain nutrients like vitamin B12 which can only be found in animal based products.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

One example of a drug that can affect your odds of getting Category two Diabetes or PCOS. A weight reduction surgery like a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass increases your risk.

B12 is an essential nutrient that is necessary for the survival of the human body. It works in conjunction with the immune system, brain, and red blood cells to produce necessary bodily functions.

Without these components, the human body would be unable to survive in healthy form. It also plays a leading role in maintaining metabolic activity.

If you are exhibiting any of the following symptoms, then it is possible that you are deficient in either Vitamin B12 or Vitamin B3.

It can be difficult to determine which vitamin might be causing your deficiency symptoms.

The cost of a blood test may seem high, but it may be worth the cost if your doctor recommends one to determine if there is a vitamin deficiency.

While it is not an instantaneous process, recovering from a vitamin deficiency could.

Signs of B12 Deficiency


Fatigue is a very common symptom of Vitamin B12 deficiency, which is typically caused by inadequate intake of the compound.

This can happen because Vitamin B12 is needed for the body to generate red blood cells that bring oxygen to organ tissues and prevent you from feeling tired even after a full night's rest. 

It is not as easy as it may seem to remember to check your B12 levels.

You may not feel well-equipped to think about a lot of different things, but if you are experiencing symptoms of low B12, it is important that you do start paying attention and keep on top of the situation.  

Experts generally will diagnose fatigue when a person presents with it as well as other symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss, weakness or lack of energy, decreased mental function or concentration, and anemia.

You feel weaker than usual

If the red blood cells in your blood are not supplying your muscles with enough oxygen they will feel heavy and weak.

This is because the red blood cells carry around oxygen for the rest of the body and if there's not enough of them to go around, then there won't be enough oxygen for muscles to work properly.

You get weird sensations in your limbs

Many sufferers report feeling sharp pains, numbness and tingling in their limbs.

This usually points to nerve damage caused by small oxygen quantities in cells, which can be triggered by deficiencies in B12, folic acid, or vitamin D.

You forget easy things to remember

Sometimes low B12 is to blame, but you may be anxious about early dementia. But in most cases it isn't.

In fact, sometimes doctors find deficiency in old sufferers who are mistakenly taken for Alzheimer's.

If a person discovers that they have a B12 deficiency after taking a blood test, the person will be prescribed the necessary supplements to help their body process the deficiency and prevent complications.

Feeling really dizzy

Feeling really dizzy is a symptom that is often caused by an underlying issue.

A recent study has shown that patients with dizziness who were treated in the emergency room reported a much lower level of vitamin B12 than healthy volunteers.

This could be because the person may not have been absorbing B12 well due to an intestinal problem.

Skin is oddly faded

A deficiency of B12 might be present if your skin has a yellow tone, and this is even more likely to be seen in people who are deficient in vitamins.

Low red blood cell counts are more likely to be seen in people who have low levels of B12, which means that the cells that are made don't make it into the bloodstream because they're too fragile and can more easily break down.

The surface of your tongue is red and sore

There are people that have a deficiency of B12 and B12b vitamins in their system who will experience a loss of the small bumps on the surface of their tongue.

In addition, some may also report relief from complaints of burning and pain in the back of the throat by taking supplements or by eating foods high in vitamin B12. 

If you suffer from a disorder that leaves your favorite food tasteless, then the taste buds on your tissues are more important than any others to determine how much you enjoy your food.

Research has shown that women with a deficiency in B12 are more likely to die from cardiovascular disease, and it is possible that this is due to the effects of their deficiency on the receptors for other dietary substances, such as salt and sugars.

You feel really emotional, little things make you cry

Have you been feeling a little more down than usual? An absence of Vitamin B12 might be the root cause for your low mood, that causes anxiety or depression

There are some who believe that the link between B12 deficiencies and depression could be related to the matter  that B12 is involved in the synthesis of important brain chemicals, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

These chemicals are integral to regulating mood and have been implicated in conditions such as depression. 

Your vision isn't right

A lack of adequate Vitamin B12 can lead to a number of serious health problems, some which are more severe than others.

In the most severe cases, it may lead to a loss of vision in one eye. Other problems that may result from this deficiency include blurry vision, double vision, and blindness.

Getting enough vitamin B12 is essential to having a healthy diet. But in many situations (like for example, if you are vegetarian) it can be quite hard to get enough of it.

If you want to learn more about how to get enough vitamin B12, you should read this article.