Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old habits and patterns? Are you ready to make lasting change and become the best version of yourself? If so, then "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin is the perfect book for you!

This book is more than just a self-help guide - it's a practical, science-backed toolkit for achieving real, lasting personal change. 

Rubin's approach is based on the idea that our habits play a significant role in shaping our lives, and by understanding and altering our habits, we can create the life we want for ourselves.

Whether you're looking to improve your health, boost your productivity, or simply live a happier life, "Better Than Before" has the tools you need to succeed.


"Better Than Before" introduces the concept of the four tendencies, which describe how individuals respond to expectations. These tendencies are:

  • Upholders, who readily meet both outer and inner expectations.

  • Questioners, who will only meet an expectation if they think it makes sense.

  • Obligers, who find it difficult to meet inner expectations but are skilled at meeting outer expectations.

  • Rebels, who resist all expectations, whether they come from within or from external sources.

Understanding which tendency you fall into can help you understand your own behavior and how you can use it to your advantage. For example, if you are an obliger, you may benefit from setting external accountability in order to help you meet your goals.

Knowing which tendency you fall into can help you understand your own behavior and how you can use it to your advantage. For example, if you are an obliger, you might benefit from setting external accountability in order to help you meet your goals.

You'll also learn about the science behind habit formation and how to use it to your benefit. This includes understanding the role of triggers, rewards, and the "habit loop" in creating habits, and how to use this knowledge to create new habits or break old ones.

In addition to this, you'll find strategies for making and breaking habits, no matter which tendency you fall into. This includes tips for setting goals, tracking progress, and finding motivation.

Finally, you'll discover tips for creating lasting change in all areas of your life, from health and relationships to work and productivity. This includes advice for finding your "strategy for success," which is the combination of habits and strategies that work best for you as an individual.


"Better Than Before" is a comprehensive guide to understanding and altering your habits in order to achieve personal change. Written by bestselling author Gretchen Rubin, the book is based on scientific research on habit formation and offers practical, actionable strategies for making and breaking habits.

The book also delves into the science behind habit formation and offers strategies for creating new habits or breaking old ones. It covers topics such as setting goals, tracking progress, and finding motivation, and provides tips for creating lasting change in all areas of life, including health, relationships, work, and productivity.

Overall, "Better Than Before" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to make lasting change in their lives and become the best version of themselves. Whether you're looking to improve your health, boost your productivity, or simply live a happier life, this book has the tools you need to succeed.

How to implement this book into your daily life

  1. Set outer accountability to meet inner goals. If you're an obliger (one of the four tendencies described in "Better Than Before"), you may struggle to meet your own inner expectations but be more successful at meeting outer expectations. For example, if you want to start exercising regularly, you could join a class or hire a personal trainer to provide external accountability.

  2. Identify and change your "strategy for success." The "strategy for success" is the combination of habits and strategies that work best for you as an individual. For example, if you are a rebel (one of the four tendencies) and resist all expectations, you may find it more effective to frame goals as personal choices rather than external expectations.

  3. Use the "habit loop" to your advantage. The "habit loop" is the process by which habits are formed and consists of a trigger, a behavior, and a reward. By identifying the trigger and reward for a particular habit, you can alter the behavior to create a new habit or break an old one. For example, to break the habit of snacking on unhealthy foods in the afternoon, consider replacing the behavior with a healthier option and rewarding yourself with a non-food related activity. For example, instead of snacking on chips, you could try eating a piece of fruit and then going for a walk as a reward. This can help you establish a new, healthier habit.

  4. Find your "third metric." The "third metric" is a term used in "Better Than Before" to refer to measures of success beyond money and power. For women in their 40s and beyond, finding a sense of purpose and well-being can be particularly important. Identifying and pursuing your own "third metric" can help you live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

  5. Seek out the "goldilocks rule." The "goldilocks rule" is the idea that the best way to create lasting change is to find the right balance between too easy and too hard. For example, if you're trying to start a new exercise routine, finding a program that is challenging but not too overwhelming can increase your chances of success.

Are you a woman in your 40s looking to make lasting change in your life? Are you ready to become the best version of yourself? If so, then "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin is the perfect book for you!

Don't wait any longer to start living the life you deserve - click the link below to buy "Better Than Before" on Amazon today and take the first step towards a better you!