The Close Grip Bench Press is an essential exercise for those looking to improve their upper body strength and muscle definition. 

This push exercise targets the chest and triceps, making it an excellent addition to any workout routine. 

In this article, we will be discussing the proper technique for performing a Close Grip Bench Press, the benefits of the exercise, and how often you should include it in your workout routine. 

We will also be covering bodyweight alternatives for those who may not have access to a barbell.

Proper form

When performing a Close Grip Bench Press, it's essential to start with the proper setup. 

Begin by setting the barbell on a squat rack at the correct height for you. The bar should be at about chest level when you're sitting on the bench. 

Next, lie down on the bench with your feet flat on the floor and your back against the bench. Your eyes should be directly under the barbell.

Once you're in position, it's time to grip the barbell. A close grip is defined as having your hands placed inside shoulder-width apart on the barbell. 

This will help to target the triceps more effectively. Take a deep breath, and then lift the barbell off the squat rack. 

Move the barbell over your chest with care, keeping your elbows close to your torso.Exhale as you push the barbell up, extending your arms fully. 

Pause for a moment at the top of the movement and then slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position. Repeat this movement for the desired number of reps.

It's essential to maintain proper form throughout the exercise to avoid injury and achieve maximum benefits. 

One common mistake is allowing the elbows to flare out, which can lead to shoulder injury. To avoid this, keep your elbows close to your body and focus on contracting your triceps as you press the barbell up. 

Another mistake is not keeping your feet flat on the floor, which can cause your lower back to arch and put unnecessary stress on your spine.


The Close Grip Bench Press is an excellent exercise for those looking to improve their upper body strength and muscle definition. 

It targets the chest and triceps, which are two of the most significant muscle groups in the upper body. 

By performing this exercise regularly, you will see an increase in muscle mass and definition in these areas.

In addition to targeting specific muscle groups, the Close Grip Bench Press also improves overall upper body strength and stability. 

This exercise works multiple muscle groups at once, making it an efficient use of your time in the gym. 

The Close Grip Bench Press can also help to improve posture, as it strengthens the muscles in the chest and shoulders that help to maintain good posture. 

This can also improve athletic performance and overall health.

How often should I do Close grip bench press

The frequency at which you should include the Close Grip Bench Press in your workout routine depends on your fitness level and goals. 

If you're a beginner, it's recommended to start with one or two sets of 8-12 reps, two to three times a week. 

As you get stronger, you can increase the weight and reps, aiming for three to four sets of 8-12 reps, three to four times a week.

It's important to remember that recovery is just as important as the exercise itself. 

Overuse injuries can occur when you perform the same exercise too frequently without allowing your muscles to rest and recover. 

To prevent this, make sure to incorporate other exercises that target the chest and triceps into your routine, and allow for at least 48 hours of rest between Close Grip Bench Press sessions.

Are there any bodyweight alternatives?

If you don't have access to a barbell or prefer to use bodyweight exercises, there are several alternatives to the Close Grip Bench Press that can still target the chest and triceps effectively. These include:

  1. Push-ups: Push-ups can be modified to target the triceps by placing your hands closer together on the floor. This will place more emphasis on the triceps and less on the chest muscles.

  2. Dips: Dips can be performed on parallel bars or on the edge of a bench. This exercise targets the triceps, chest, and shoulders.

  3. Diamond push-ups: Diamond push-ups are similar to push-ups, but the hands are placed close together under the chest, creating a diamond shape with the thumbs and index fingers. This exercise targets the triceps and chest muscles.

  4. TRX Push-ups: TRX push-ups are performed with the help of TRX straps, which allows for a greater range of motion and can target the triceps and chest muscles effectively.


The Close Grip Bench Press is an essential exercise for those looking to improve their upper body strength and muscle definition. 

By performing this exercise regularly and maintaining proper form, you will see an increase in muscle mass and definition in the chest and triceps. 

Incorporating this exercise into your workout routine, along with other exercises that target the chest and triceps, can improve overall upper body strength and stability.

 Remember to take recovery seriously and to give your muscles time to rest and recover.

If you don't have access to a barbell, there are several bodyweight alternatives that can still target the chest and triceps effectively. 

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