"Depression and Other Magic Tricks" is an incredibly powerful and moving book written by Sabrina Benaim that provides readers with an honest and raw look into her personal journey with depression. 

As someone who has faced the struggles of mental illness firsthand, the author is able to provide a relatable and empathetic perspective that will resonate with many readers. 

This book is not just an ordinary book, it is a window into the mind of someone who has faced the darkest moments of depression and come out on the other side, it is a beacon of hope and understanding.

The book delves into the complex nature of mental illness and the ways in which it can affect individuals in their daily lives. In this book, Sabrina Benaim shares her journey of understanding, coping, and ultimately finding power in her depression. 

The book offers a unique perspective on mental health, one that is relatable, empowering and will resonate with many readers.

The importance of understanding and coping with depression in daily life cannot be overstated. Mental illness affects a large portion of the population and can greatly impact an individual's quality of life. 

By gaining a deeper understanding of depression, individuals can begin to take control of their mental health and empower themselves to lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

Summary of the book

In "Depression and Other Magic Tricks", Sabrina Benaim shares her personal story of living with depression, along with its physical and emotional symptoms, and the impact it had on her daily life. 

Through poetry, the author reflects on her struggles with mental illness and the journey of self-discovery she embarked on to better understand and cope with her condition. 

The book offers a unique perspective on mental health, challenging stereotypes and misconceptions about mental illness, and providing a message of hope, empowerment, and self-compassion.

The book is divided into two parts, the first part the author talks about her feelings and inner thoughts, and the second part the author talks about depression. 

In the first part, the author talks about her feelings of guilt, shame, and isolation that often accompany mental illness, as well as the difficulty in reaching out for help. 

In the second part, the author offers a deeper understanding of depression and how it can manifest in an individual's life. 

She also delves into the importance of self-care and self-compassion in coping with mental illness.

Main ideas

One of the key ideas presented in the book is the importance of understanding and accepting depression as a part of one's self. 

The author emphasizes that depression is not something that can be easily "fixed" or "cured", but rather something that must be continuously managed and coped with. 

The book also challenges common stereotypes and misconceptions about mental illness, and encourages individuals to speak openly about their struggles and seek help.

Another important idea presented in the book is the importance of self-care and self-compassion in coping with depression. 

The author emphasizes the importance of treating oneself with kindness and understanding, and the power of small actions, such as journaling or taking a walk, in managing mental health.

Practical application

The author's use of poetry in the book can be particularly powerful for women in their 40s and beyond, as it provides a unique and expressive way of understanding and expressing one's emotions related to mental health. 

Many women may find it difficult to put their experiences and feelings into words, but the author's use of poetry allows readers to connect with and relate to the author's struggles in a new and meaningful way.

The practical applications of self-care and self-compassion, accepting and managing depression, and the power of connection and community are especially important for women in their 40s and beyond as they often have to balance multiple responsibilities and roles in their lives. 

These practical insights can help women prioritize their mental well-being and make positive changes in their daily lives.

Additionally, Sabrina Benaim's personal story of finding power in her depression can serve as inspiration for women in their 40s to start taking control of their mental health and make changes for the betterment of their well-being. 

They can see how the author was able to overcome her struggles, and may gain the strength and courage to take action for their own mental health. 

This book can be a valuable resource for women in their 40s to start their own journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.


"Depression and Other Magic Tricks" is a powerful and moving book that provides a unique perspective on mental health. The author's personal journey of understanding, coping and finding power in her depression is relatable and empowering, and the book is filled with practical advice and insights that can help readers on their own mental health journey.

The book encourages readers to speak openly about their struggles, to seek help when needed, to practice self-care and self-compassion, and to understand and accept depression as a part of themselves. 

The book also offers a reminder of the importance of understanding and coping with depression in daily life.

In conclusion, "Depression and Other Magic Tricks" offers unique insight and a powerful message of hope, empowerment, and self-compassion that is worth reading. If you liked this book and found it helpful, consider bookmarking this website for more resources on mental health.

If you are a woman in your 40s or beyond, and are looking for a relatable and empowering read that can help you take control of your mental health, "Depression and Other Magic Tricks" is the book for you.

You can purchase the book through our link on Amazon, and start your journey to better understanding and coping with depression today. Don't wait, empower yourself with Sabrina Benaim's words and start your journey to healing and self-discovery.