Whether it's a new diet or a new exercise regimen, we've all tried to improve ourselves.

Many of us have done at least one beauty trend to improve our appearance, and we are all able to find something that meshes with us.

The recent "Slugging" trend that originated from South Korea has gained a lot of popularity in the past year, and it is possible that your skin may be missing out on some of the benefits.

"Slugging" is a new beauty trend involving eating healthy and drinking lots of water in order to flush out toxins and bring vital nutrients to the skin.

This gives a youthful glow to your skin as well as making you more healthy.

Social media has shown benefits, but the idea of punch has been around a long time.

We didn't have a quirky name for the activity that would explode in popularity and you haven't heard of it, it is nothing new.

We can take the trend back to our grandmothers who taught us how to be self-skinny for hydration.

What exactly is slugging?

South Korea has a skin care routine that is both innovative and quirky.

It is called slugging, which is when a beauty product containing hyaluronic acid is used to trap water and other nutrients in the skin.

This can make the skin feel more hydrated, but it can also cause dryness as it pulls water away from the rest of your body to give your face extra hydration.

What kind of person will benefit from this trend?

When someone suffers from severely dry skin, one of the best ways to protect their skin is to apply a petroleum-based product like vaseline.

For instance, people with eczema often find that their skin becomes so dry and cracked that it can't effectively protect itself against foreign substances and bacteria.

Similarly, those with compromised facial barriers can also use petroleum-based products to help reduce the risk.

If your skin has been burned, cracked, or injured, a thin layer of Vaseline or any related product will protect you from further damage and also help with healing as it moisturizes the skin and protects it from bacteria.

What kind of person should avoid this trend?

While this trend can be quite helpful for someone who, as mentioned before, has severe skin problems, this trend should not be practiced by anyone.

When choosing a moisturizer, it is important to be aware of what type of skin you have, and what your individual skin needs are.

People with acne-prone skin should not use any products that can cause clogging and breakouts since they are already more prone to acne.

Vaseline and other related products may seem like a good option for people with acne-prone skin because they are not comedogenic, but in fact, they are not.

Should people give it a try?

You probably shouldn't, a potential issue can arise if too much oil is produced on the skin and the skin becomes dehydrated.

And, When the skin is not properly hydrated, it can lead to sluggish, and irritated skin.

For proper hydration one should always use a gentle cleanser for washing as well as drinking lots of water. Harmony between cleansing and hydrating is very important.

So, if you really want to try it, it is very important to keep in mind that cleansing and hydrating are crucial in your skin care.

So for this reason, it would be a good idea to consult with a skin-care team when looking for a routine that will work for you.

They can provide expert advice on the best products and treatments, and steer you in the right direction to ensure you find the perfect regimen for your needs.

Is slugging really that great? Is it here to stay?

Perhaps it is, but it is more likely that this is just another trend that will vanish with some time, because there are way more effective treatments to the severe skin problems it tries to solve.


Whether you're diving into the latest skincare craze or sticking to your trusted routine, understanding what works best for your skin is paramount.

While Slugging may offer hydration benefits for some, it's essential to consider individual skin needs and consult with skincare experts.

Remember, skincare is personal, and what works for one person may not work for another.

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